Here you can download all released ChrisB BTB creations. Track name: El Cubilete 2.1 Country: Mexico Distance: 13,1 km, Surface: Gravel 100% Track type: Point to point Progress: 100,0% Download rFactor: mirror rFactor
Track name: Colorado Springs West Country: USA Distance: 14,2 km, 13,6 km, 13,9 km, 13,9 km Surface: Gravel 65%, Tarmac 35% Track type: Looped and 'point to point' Progress: 100,0% Download rFactor: mirror rFactor!<--d'load all 4 stages in one .7z file Download RBR: CircuitA CircuitB Hill Climb A Hill Climb B
Track name: Rainforest Dirt Run Beta Version Country: Australia Distance: 3,29km Surface: Gravel 80%, Tarmac 20% Track type: Looped. Progress: 99,9% Download rFactor: mirror See more in: gallery. Note: As you can see in the tittle, I carefully called it Rainforest Dirt Run Beta Version. So far stage is prepared for time trials and regular races, but cars AI probably still need to be increased. Fps performance may slows significantly in some department, but even without hi-end hardware it should not get less then 80-90 fps with v-sync off (and 60-40 fps at night) so stage is well playable. Works to increase performance is also still going on.
Track name: SS El Cubilete Country: Mexico Distance: 13km Surface: Gravel Track type: Partially real, partially imagine. Progress: 100% Download RBR: mirror See more in: gallery.
Track name: Lantosque - Luceram Country: Monte Carlo Distance: 7,6km Surface: Tarmac Track type: Partially real, partially imagine. Progress: 100% Download RBR: mirror| track reverse: mirror| Download rF: soon :) See more in: gallery.
Track name: Monti di Ala Country: Italy Distance: 10,2km Surface: gravel Track type: Partially real, partially imagine. Progress: 100% Download RBR: mirror| track reverse: mirror| Download rF: soon :) See more in: gallery.
Track name: ChrisB Hill Climb Country: USA Distance: 9,9km Surface: gravel Track type: imagine. Progress: 100% Download RBR: mirror|
The 1.0 version of Alpine Hill Climb (with downhill version as well) has been completed. Here's little summary: - Almost 9km long track - Plenty of hi resolution mapped textures - Hi-polygon trees and models - 4735908 polygons used to build this project (and it would be even more if ks editor was not crashing with anymore polys) DO NOT UPLOAD THIS CONTENT TO ANY OTHER SITE!
This content is free of charge available at:
THIS PROJECT IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT there will be an update at the appropriate time.
Known issues of 1.0:
- no spline - no replay cameras - some pieces of terrain yet not well sculpted - some guardrails may not work properly - no collision at trees - FPS performance may be poor at weak PC's
It is time to share with you some information about current project in progress. A point-to-point track with plenty of hi-res textures and well modeled hi-polygon trees is almost ready to go. Average width of 8km road with many long turns and hairpins can make this track a great playground not only for rally and hc maniacs, but also for a drifters.
It is going to be a true challenge for AC graphic engine.
So far the FPS performance at Core I5 3750K, Geforce GTX 660Ti and 8 GB RAM is around 60-70 FPS in POLO's WRC cockpit view, and it's increasing a lot at other cameras. Resolution of this test was 1680 x 1050.
This is a good news, because all hi-poly trees has been already placed and there still is a chance for better FPS performance after merging trees and LOD right set.
Possible time of release first beta is end of February/March's first period. Stay tuned.
Monte Carlo Sprint v.3.0 BETA download link below the picture To install this track, extract 'content' and 'system' folders to your Assetto Corsa folder example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\
Important: This content is changing default weather1.ini file to remove the fog. If you don't want to change it, just don't extract "system" folder to your AC folder. The far pieces of terrain (hills and mountains) will not be visible. You can come back to default AC weather settings every time you want, by remove weather1.ini in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg folder and changing name of weather1backup.ini to weather1.ini
DO NOT UPLOAD THIS CONTENT TO ANY OTHER SITE! Known issues of 0.3 beta version: - some polygons missing - no spline - no replay cameras - some textures are not fitted properly - some pieces of terrain not well sculpted - some pieces of terrain may missing - vegetation and object placing is not finalized We will appreciate your suggestions and bug reports so it will help to improve this project!
Monte Carlo Sprint v.0.3 BETA download link: mirror
Good day. I have 2 news 4 you. First - all activity of has been moved to We don't know yet if btbtracks is going to be continued, but you can be 100% sure that all future project will be available at ChrisB 3D Arts. The other news is our first Assetto Corsa project is 85% ready and soon you can expect first beta - release. Monte Carlo Sprint is around 5 km long track, created with inspiration of Col de Turini and Lantosque - Luceram WRC stages. This project is just a wiping the trail experiment for further AC creations. It was made with purpose of test for AC graphic engine possibilities and strength. Best Regards ChrisB
Hello everyone. I'm releasing v.2.1 of El Cubilete. An improvement in relation to v.2.0 is: - corrected bump maps textures - corrected bump and specular settings - tarmac version added (thanks to Adrian Izquierdo) Finally there's 3 different stages included in 2.1 version. IMPORTANT: Notice, that when you playing in practice mode, game is ignoring any .gdb daytime settings and loading stage with early hour (around 8 AM). To enjoy best day ambient use time of day from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This is the best time for all bumps and speculars in stage :) You can also play race weekend mode (2laps, formation/standing), so the game will use .gdb default settings. El Cubilete v.2.1 download